This is amazing. Every day more people come and squeeze into any available space in the campground. I’ve never seen anything like it! I hope to get a panoramic view of the field tomorrow. Thank GOD it hasn’t rained. This field isn’t referred to as “Mudville” for nothing! We were brilliant…we selected the family camping area so it is really quiet. At least it is right now because the late show is still going on.
I’m sitting outside my “home” as I write this. I’m trying to imagine. What if this was how we all HAD to live? Crammed together in a field. People living in makeshift tents, screen rooms, old buses and vans. Large, energy guzzling RVs and travel trailers like mine. What if this was our real home? Water and food would soon become an issue. As would sanitation. Rains would turn this lovely new-mown hay field into a boggy quagmire. Tempers would soon flair. The sense of peace and love and community created by the joint intention of the gathering would soon be lost…given away to fear and greed and envy. Fight or flight. You see it in third world countries every day. I experienced it in the jungles of Mexico many years ago.
As I’m sitting here, I look at my “home” and I’m filled with humble gratitude. I am positively affluent! I have a clean, safe place to live. I am free to live wherever I choose. I am so very grateful for everything God has blessed me with. Truly.
“Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.”
Psalm 47:1