That Girl

You remember her…that girl that loved to ride bikes, climb trees, catch lightning bugs. The one that fought the bath because it meant she had to stop playing and come inside. You remember…that girl that could eat anything and never gain an ounce because she played so hard all day. The one who liked to sneak a puppy or kitten into her bed when she thought no one was watching. The one who would defend her best friend’s honor even if it meant she took the lumps. You remember.

Where did she go? When did we forget to ask her out to play? Why did we think we didn’t need her anymore…that she was a baby, someone we’d outgrown? I was so busy raising my kids, being a wife, entertaining….I distinctly remember that day when I remembered something important that I had long since forgotten. I remember telling my ex-husband I didn’t know how to play anymore. It was such a sad thing. I remember how resigned I was to the loss…as if it was perfectly normal to kill this little girl that had lived in me all those years. That’s what I did you know…many of us did. We left her in the dust by the side of the road. We left her to wither up on the back shelf of our closets with the clip on skates and the croquet set. I missed her, but I didn’t know how to get her back.

That’s when the Sisters came into my life. I found the Sisters on the Fly very shortly after losing Mr. Virgo. It didn’t take long to figure out who these women were. They were The Rescuers. They take us sorry old women and rescue the little girls inside them. And they don’t take no for an answer. It’s not just the Sisters. There are many Girl Camper groups out there. Facebook has lots of groups like Camp Like a Girl, Girl Camping, Mitten Kittens to name a few. And if camping isn’t your thing, I’m sure there’s a group out there that exactly fits you. The important thing is to step out of your comfort zone, shake things up, do something different, and find that little girl. She’s in there…c’mon, let’s go get her…

It’s Fitness Friday…lets go outside and play!


“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

John 15:12-13 NIV

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