I lived in Colorado for forty years and witnessed so many terribly destructive forest fires there. The worst was the Storm King Fire where we lost 14 smoke jumpers from Idaho. Then, eight years later came the Coal Seam Fire. That one was sneaky.
Back in the late 1800’s, there was an explosion in the Vulcan Mine across the Colorado River from New Castle. They could not put it out and it’s been burning ever since. It was too dangerous to mine that seam anymore, so the mine was sealed shut and they just let it burn. You can see the coal seam in the winter because the snow won’t stick on it. There’s a long, dark streak along what is appropriately called Burning Mountain.
Every once in a while, the fire follows a finger of coal and breaks through the ground. Most of the time, that’s been in rocky areas and the only sign is a wisp of smoke till that part of the seam burns out. But, in the case of the Coal Seam Fire, it broke through in some dry scrub oak and quickly took off.
I’ve been thinking about that and how it fits in as an analogy of the world today.
There has been evil in the world ever since Eve plucked the apple from the tree. It slinks and lurks and hides in the shadows most of the time. Then it breaks free and comes to the surface threatens to burn everything down. I know, some of you may think I’m talking about the politically charged times we’re in, but it’s not just that. It’s the world at large. A general bad vibe going around. And it doesn’t seem to matter what side of any issue you find yourself, each feels the other is wrong and it feels like there’s no way to reach the middle ground. So many hard things happening everywhere and it wears on you.
The Bible tells us about the end times, and if these are they, I’d just as soon Jesus come and get us and take us home sooner rather than later. Now, I am NOT thinking of self-harm…that’s the furthest from my thoughts. But I now the streets of gold are better than anything we can imagine here. That means we have to get right with our Maker.
I’m personally trying to clean up my side of the street, apologize where needed, make amends where possible, and spend my efforts on praising God and my family and friends for the goodness they have brought to my life. Thanking Him for being a loving Father. And putting out as much goodness as I can while I’m still here.
I’ve find when I look for the bad things, that’s all I see. And that’s the way media and pundits want it…to be at each other’s throats. It makes it seem as though that’s all there is in the world because everyone is screaming so loud…”Look here!” “Look there!” “He did it!” “She did it!” “They did it!” I do what I think is best and express my opinions through an app…5 Calls. I call my elected officials while I’m having my coffee. Then I get on with my day. It’s like leaving your work problems at work. I don’t WANT to carry all this all the time. I have to spend my time wisely.
I got a message from one of my readers yesterday that lives not too far from me. She’s interested in my sourdough bread and I’m interested in the honey she and her fiancé harvest. I love to barter! Hmmmm…maybe there will be a Marshmallow Ranch Bakery? That sounds interesting!
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20 NIV
Gratitude Journal
Today I am grateful for the ability to make priorities and walk away from the craziness of the world when I need to keep on a more even keel. Self care isn’t selfish!