I slept great Wednesday night. I got up feeling “not myself” which isn’t surprising with a bonk on the head. I fixed breakfast but I was low energy then Mr. FixIt decided to take my truck in to get it inspected. I got my wallet to give him some money and I couldn’t figure out how to take money out of my wallet. THIS was one of the signs I needed to look for. So, I called my PCP’s office and her nurse was like, “You get to the ER right away!” Kinda scared me so as soon as my sweetheart got back, he took be to the hospital. And, as luck would have it, it was one of their busiest days EVER. We got there a little before 4:00 and it was after 10:15 when we got out. They did a CT and it was clear. They gave me a concussion checklist of do’s and don’t’s. We were both really hungry so we stopped at Wendy’s on the way home. We pulled into the driveway at 11:00 and I was whupped! We were in bed in less than ten minutes. I just need to take it easy for a few days…which is kinda what I’m doing anyway! lol I’ll be back tomorrow!