I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about FB lately. Things are changing rapidly in the world. Big, important things. And things that you might think are superfluous but can have repercussions. I’ve been writing this blog for going on twelve years now. I try to make it a safe place free of the angst and darkness that surrounds us at every turn lately. The algorithms are changing. I have over 6,000 readers and sometimes FB’s algorithms only send it out to 200-300 people. And, whenever I post a Sunday Evening Prayer Circle, there are even fewer people who see it. I believe there is a filtration of sorts and outrage and anger seems to be the winning combination. It makes me sad.
I’ve considered stopping altogether but I don’t want to do that. As long as I feel my writing is of service, I’ll keep going. But now the gloves are coming off and the powers that be have chosen a different route. FB will no longer fact check so anything we read is suspect. This is all by design, but that’s not where I’m going with this. Jesus tells us to let our lights shine so that others may know Him by our good deeds. Writing is one of the major ways I shine my light out into the world. So, I’ve decided to keep my blood here on FB. But I’m also exploring Bluesky and Substack as other venues. Are any of you reading over there? I really like both of them. No ads. Far less filth and rage, and that appeals to me. I know it’s hard for people to change…that’s why I’ll stay here. I just want to bring hope and joy, love and light into this little corner of the world. We all need some peace.
We had a lovely day yesterday. I fixed our favorite sourdough French toast for breakfast. Then I spent the afternoon watching Big’s swim meet. She did very well and handily won the 500 meter freestyle event. She’ll swim again today so I’ll get to see her again. We are going to one of the great-grandchildren’s 5th birthday party this evening at the bowling alley. The littles are growing up so fast!
We ended up with another four inches of snow Friday night so our total is fourteen inches in one week! That’s crazy for here. We’ve really been spoiled with mild winters, so we’re paying the piper now. We’re going to warm up a little past freezing for a couple of days then we go right back down in the deep freeze. I bought a parka a couple of years that was made for Canadian winters so I am always toasty warm when I go out in this weather. Between that and my Sorel’s, I’m blessed.
I read a call for items for a local food ministry and I’m going to take the hats and baby dolls that I made over on Tuesday when I go to town. I think I can get some more made before then. It feels good to help others with whatever I can give. TheLord loves a cheerful giver!
“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 ESV
#charity #grace #donations #God #shineyourlightbright #shineyourlightontheworld