Finally…I got it together enough to come out to The Farm for a few days. The internet is so much faster here than at the house, so I came out to do the taxes. Then, when I opened the computer program I use, my information from 2023 did not migrate over. That’s when it hit me…I did the taxes on the desktop computer. Either that, or I saved everything in a backup on an external hard drive. There’s just one problem with that…
I remember putting all my external hard drives together to put them away when I cleaned up for a family gathering. I put them “somewhere safe.” You guessed it…I don’t have the foggiest idea where I put them. It’s always something with me and these taxes, isn’t it? Argh!
Still…I’m at The Farm!!!
Frank and Beans came over for a visit. It was really great to see them. It had been quite a while. There was no further incursions in the house and no tracks outside so I think (home…PRAY) that was a one and done once they found out there is absolutely nothing in this house that’s worth taking. I guess I won’t be staying as long as I thought I would since I can’t get the taxes done. Although…I did bring my knitting.
It’s going to be much warmer in the coming week and that is most welcome. It’s so funny…I can’t wait to get out to The Farm and away from the television. Then, I get out here and I’m lonesome for Mr. FixIt. What can I say…he’s my person!
“Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.”
Romans 13:7 ESV
***Gratitude Journal*** Today I am grateful I can still spend time in my grandma’s house fill with memories…sights, sounds, and smells of my childhood. Just walking through the back door is like getting wrapped up in one of her hugs.
#TheFarm, #Home, #Taxes