The Final Countdown

I spent yesterday doing a little housekeeping of a different sort. I combed thought my project looking for anything that needed fixing. I sat with mug after mug of tea. Mr. FixIt brought me a sandwich to my Big Red Chair. I watched the rain steadily fall outside. And by 6:00, I proclaimed I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I’m leaving it alone tomorrow then I’ll take one last look through it on Sunday, Then I have the big unveiling on Monday! 

It’s been a long few months and I’ve learned a lot of things. This is something I’ll need to work on every week, but I won’t have to dive down into it like I have since Christmas. Now I can focus on this quilt and the spring cleaning I have started. So may things have been put on the back burner, but I have a good feeling that the work I’ve put in will pay off in the long run. 

When I sat down in my comfy chair to work I wondered where Pumpkin Kitty was. It rained all day and I knew she was keeping dry somewhere. I picked up the phone to look behind me and there she was…laying on her little blanket-covered shelf in the window.

Several years before Mr. FixIt and I got together, the West Virginia Department of Highways did a huge Highway upgrade on the two-lane State Highway in front of our home. Before the new highway came in, the side of the house facing the road was considered the “front.” There is a covered front porch out there and that’s where Pumpkin likes to hang out in inclement weather. She jumps all the way up to the window sills of whatever room we are in and talks to us. We have lots of interaction with her every day so I’m not worried about her. And, she sleeps in the big building every night so she is protected from any predators. It’s fun to have her come say hello several times a day.

I have organized a coffee gathering for my classmates tor this morning. We haven’t gathered since before Christmas and its time to have a good visit. Then I’ll get back home and get to work on the things I’ve let slide the last few months. This is getting exciting y’all!


“He also said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A shower is coming.’ And so it happens.”

Luke 12:54 ESV

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