The Found Garden

I have made many FB friends since I started writing this blog. People I genuinely care for and admire. I learn from them. I celebrate their successes and mourn with them their losses. These were the people my Aunt Peeps referred to as my “pretend friends”. I mean…I can see where she was coming from. She had zero experience with technology and social media. She didn’t understand it and thought I was pretty “cuckoo”, to use her terms. But, my readers are special to me.

One such friend is Julie Zickafoose. Julie is an amazing woman with a huge, wide open heart. She is an artist, and author, a naturalist. She is a latent hippy mama hell bent on saving Mother Nature and all God’s creatures. Her love for flora and fauna is admirable and…well, I want to be her when I grow up!

Yesterday, she wrote a beautiful post on her Facebook page about her found garden. Plants that volunteered in the ground of her greenhouse. Flowers that shed surprising amounts of seed that she was able to nurture over the winter and plant in the spring. Bits of flotsam and jetsam found on the discount shelf in the plant section that she nurtured and revived until the thrived on their own. Strong, sturdy, and unbelievably gorgeous. And…almost all for free.

This got me to thinking about my measly “found garden” this summer and I’ve decided to make it a goal to nurture some flower beds around the house next summer. I went around yesterday and took a few pictures. You’ve seen these crazy lilies called Star of Bethlehem that revived themselves from what looked like nothing but dead, dry bulbs into tall and stately stem of perfect white stars.

One day last week, I was walking up the sidewalk and glanced over at that same pot and spotted a tiny little purple flower in the same pot as the lilies. When I went over and took a closer look, I was amazed to find a perfect little petunia. Where that seed came from, I’ll never know. It had to have been in the potting soil I dumped in the galvanized tub along with the near lifeless lily bulbs.

Another surprise came in a different tub. It was under the bird-feeder. Usually, all you’ll get are grasses, unless perhaps a bird has eaten a berry or something and the seeds land in a fertile place a grow. Honestly, I’m as puzzled as I can be because a virtual plethora of vines with a tulip shaped leaf started growing. And growing. And growing! They started to climb the fence and the other flowers and went crazy. They didn’t bloom for the longest time until this last week. Then they started producing beautiful bluebird blue trumpet shaped flowers and I caught my breath…

Morning Glories!

I have tried for YEARS to grow morning glories and I have never, ever been successful. I have no idea why. I have a black thumb…I can kill a silk plant in no time flat. And these just….showed up! I didn’t have to do anything.

They remind me of how God shows up. Nothing we can DO can make Him love us more. We can’t “get in his good graces” by our works. He won’t love us any more if we work harder, or earn more money, or win prizes, or rise to the top of the food chain. All we have to do is be kind, be good, be more like Jesus. That’s when God shows up and brings flowers up out of the dirt where none were planted. It’s one of the ways he says I love you, I see you, I’m rooting for you. 

Flowers are a gift from God. Little miracles. Miracles happen every day…if you just open your eyes and look for them. I’ll miss my surprise flowers while I’m gone. But, hey…maybe God will have something else waiting for me when we get home! Today would have been my mom’s 96th birthday. Instead, she will be forever 78. Just ten years older than I am now. She left us all too soon, and I miss her dreadfully. Interestingly, the little tiny petunia is purple…her favorite color. 

This makes me smile.


““Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

Luke 12:27 NIV

2 thoughts on “The Found Garden

  1. God is good! God gifts are everywhere. Without clutter of money, prizes etc…we see them. Oh geeze daughter was able to get into black water falls state park she called and spoke to the kindest “older” person who helped book her week back in July and they had the best weather cool nights easy breezey days and had the best time ever with her children.she did herself a favor and bought a instant tent and camp was set up in a new York minute. Prayers for safe travels as you head west.

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