The Giant of Rejection

Giant of rejection meme
“The Giant of Rejection…something I have battled my entire life.”

Last night was our third session in the study series of Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio. This has been the most amazing program our Bible study group has done to this point. I’ve been looking forward to this particular session because rejection and it’s cousin, perfectionism, were my constant companions from a very, very young age.

Everyone wants to be accepted. We enjoy the approval of others. If you say, “I don’t care what anyone thinks of me!” you can just about guarantee that, at least on some level, you very much DO care. This can stem from the smallest slight…something said casually, in jest, that really hit you and stung. Or it can be very real…your father abandoned the family, you were given up for adoption, you lost a job you loved…even the death of someone near and dear to your heart. The sting of rejection can haunt you all the days of your life.

Louie Giglio postulates that you have two schools of thought that separate your thinking on the subject of rejection. 

“So that.” and “Because.”

You try to act or be a certain way so that people will love/accept/approve of you. 

You are who you are because God is who HE is. 

He chose you. He CHOSE you. He knew you before you were knitted in the womb of your mother. He knows the number of hairs on your head. You don’t need the approval of others BECAUSE you already have the approval of God. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you any more or any less. Isn’t that amazing???

I’ve learned this along the way. I’ve learned to pinpoint where and how my particular train went off the rails. And I know with all logic that what Louie is telling us is true. But practicing it, in all ways? That’s a lifelong project when you have been rejected in a very painful way…especially at a very young age like I was. A sadistic teacher, childhood sexual abuse, and an alcoholic father were the perfect storm that set me on a path to find the love I never felt deserving of. I made great strides in therapy then met Mr. Virgo. That was my first experience of unconditional love. When I lost him, I was crushed…not only by his death, but by the loss of that unconditional love I had waited my whole life for. I didn’t think I could find that again…then Mr. FixIt came along.

Still, when I find myself wanting approval, I remind myself. God chose me. He chose ME. The Creator of the Universe knows my name and how many hairs are on my head and still…He chose me. We all love being loved and approved of and accepted. But with the knowledge that God chose us and loves us immeasurably, we can do so in a healthy way. ❤️

““Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.””

Jeremiah 1:5 NIV

4 thoughts on “The Giant of Rejection

  1. I too know the feeling. I lost my father at age 13 and my mother was in what you call a “grief fog” for 5 years, so I had to raise my brothers and sisters and failed miserably. I have never experienced unconditional love from anyone. Recently, I have come to know how much my mother truly loves me, because honestly, I never thought she did. And now the doctor’s tell us she is at the end of life. I’m not ready to let go. I want more! But like you, I know that God loves me, always has and always will. I just need to draw closer to Him.

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