I was thirty-six when she graced my world with her presence. Her sister…her only sibling…was nearly sixteen. She was a beautiful baby with a head full of black hair and huge green eyes. She was a serious child. She didn’t laugh till she was nine months old. People teased me that the soles of her shoes weren’t dirty till she was three. They weren’t far off. She was our precious and we carried her everywhere.
It was apparent from an early age that daughter #2 had an old soul. People marveled at her. They’d cross the street just to talk to her….touch her on the arm. She has always been a sensitive person and wears her heart on her sleeve. She knew from a very early age that she was different than the other girls. She wasn’t fru fru and girly. She struggled at the hands of bullies who called her names but she stood up. Her coping skills weren’t refined but she grew into them.
And yesterday, she graduated from college. It was not easy for her with ADD and dyscalculia (inability to make sense of numbers). It took her nine years to get her bachelors degree. But she stood up every time she was knocked down and I am so very proud of her for never giving up!
Congratulations, Moon Pie…and all my very best wishes for a beautiful life! ❤️
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 NIV