The Storyboard

I’m a visual and tactile learner. If I can see it and touch it, I can do just about anything. I can take an idea and make it better. I can write stories till the cows come home. But, give me an assignment like “Write a book proposal. It’s easy, it’s just an outline.”? Yeah, right. There’s a reason I flunked senior English in high school. My brain isn’t wired that way. I had to do something though because I’m not going anywhere without that book proposal/outline. I had to figure out a way I could see and touch the skeleton of my book. A trip to Office Max fixed everything!

I bought a Post-it Tabletop Easel Pad, some colored markers, and some Post-it notes. I sat down and wrote the topic of every story I wanted to include in the first book. Then I took the sticky notes and arranged them on the big pad of paper in a logical story line…sort of like watching a movie. Voila! Instant outline! Now all I have to do is title each chapter and write a short paragraph about the content in each one. I need to write an overview of what the book is about, an explanation of who the book is for, and what I can bring to the table as far as exposure for marketing. This is the platform I’ve been working so hard to build. I got a good solid chunk done yesterday as well as taking a break to exercise. I contacted my agent yesterday afternoon and we will get a chance to talk today. I want to make sure I’m on the right track before I go too far down the road. I’m feeling really good about my accomplishments so far!

I get so much out of your comments on here. Yesterday, Deborah reminded me the book proposal was a stone I knew would be in my path somewhere down the road. She advised me to pick it up, pray over it, and toss it out in the water. The ripples will carry out in the distance. I am providing the author, God will provide the destination. When I was first writing this book, people used to ask me how I was going to get an agent and a publisher. I told them I had absolutely no idea. God just told me to write. I trusted that he would take care of the rest. Once I reminded myself of that yesterday, I put my effort on my part and stopped worrying about His. He’ll take good care of me. I just have to trust.


“For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.”

Psalm 33:4 NIV

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