There’s a Project in the Works

I am working on a family project. Around the time the farm went up for sale, I remembered a bunch of pictures my mom took home from Grandma’s house. Grandma was slipping into dementia and would often stand up all night long in front of the buffet…sorting through papers and pictures. She was actually ruining the photos by crinkling them and even tearing some of them up. So, one afternoon when her mom slept, my mom quietly took the important and irreplaceable pictures home with her. 

When Mom passed suddenly in 2004, it was my job to go through her things and sort out the treasures from the trash. And believe me, there was a lot of trash. She was a bit of a hoarder, and photos were stuffed in sacks with junk mail. It took me four months to clear everything out. Even with that amount of time, there was no way I could go through every single thing, so anything resembling photos, albums, letters, and important papers ended up in plastic storage tubs that I brought back to Colorado with me.

I met Mr. Virgo in 2005, so my life was a whirlwind of fun and activity till he passed in 2013. We moved several times and those tubs went right along with me. When I sold my house and downsized, I whittled those tubs down to two bins…stuffed with photos…and took them with me to West Virginia. They’d come full circle and after ten years, I finally sat down and sorted through them. 

I scanned hundreds and hundreds of photos and put them on two external hard drives. When the farm was auctioned, and I’d met the wonderful new owners, I promised them I’d put some of the oldest photos of the farm together in order to give them a history of the old home place and the stewards of the land. When I got to thinking about it, I figured my family members would also love to have those pictures. So, I’m putting them together in a book and writing down some of the stories. I worked on it all day today and it was so much fun. I’m loving how it’s coming along. I know the old photos aren’t high resolution, and they’ll probably come out a little fuzzy but that just adds to the charm, don’t you think?


“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ESV

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