Thirteen Months Later on a Saturday Night

german shepherd meme
“When is he coming home?”

It’s raining. I have a fever and a sore throat. I had things to do today but just…didn’t do them. It turned into a “me” day. I drank tea and read and soaked in the hot tub (compensation for watching Gemma…use of the neighbor’s hot tub!) and then I caught up with a few back episodes of The Voice on Hulu. While “me” days are often restorative, relaxing, and fun…when you’re not feeling well, well….you know. It can give you too much time to think. And thinking isn’t always the best thing when it’s stinkin’ thinkin’, as Dr. Phil calls it.

Tell me, how many of you have heard a song that brought you to a special time and place? You feel those old, familiar warm feelings well up. Then you remember he’s gone, and the first thing that goes through your mind is “$#!+! You’ve been gone long enough. Now, get back here!” And, of course, you KNOW he’s not coming back. But still, it surprises you for a moment that he’s gone.

I am still faced with those moments on occasion. And I can’t quite put my finger on how it makes me feel. Sad? Lonely? Frustrated? Angry? A little of each, I suppose. It’s amplified when you don’t feel good so I’ll cut myself some slack here because I know it won’t last long. I’ll feel better soon.

In the meantime, I think there’s some ice cream in there with my name on it and Blake Shelton and I have a date! Or is it Usher? Adam Levine? Hmmmmmm. šŸ˜‰

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