The sock grows more…day by day.
I woke up yesterday and turned off the “sleeping” notification on my iPhone. I’ve started setting that because my phone would start buzzing as soon as others far more industrious than me were up and texting. My phone came alive with notifications, one of which was a missed phone call and subsequent voicemail. When I checked, it was a call from the scheduler for my endocrine surgeon’s office! Yes! This was a good sign.
After I was up and had performed my morning ablutions, I returned the call to Melissa. We’re on a first name basis now. I already had an appointment scheduled with the voice clinic to check my vocal chords for next Friday afternoon. I need to see the anesthesia clinic as well and Melissa was able to get me an appointment Friday morning. That way we only have to make the one trip up before surgery.
I was really surprised when she told me I would be with the anesthesia people for two hours. When I went to Florida for my first surgery last March, the anesthesiologist came in to see me as I was being prepped for surgery. That was it. I have to say, OSU is very thorough and that makes me feel so much more comfortable. My appointment with the voice clinic will entail a scope that goes down my throat so the doctor can see my vocal cords. I should also be able to watch on the monitor.
Once those two appointments were scheduled, Melissa and I set out to find a good time to do my surgery. I was thrilled when she said we can tentatively choose a date in February. Apparently, people aren’t really thrilled about scheduling surgery on Valentine’s Day. Go figure. I told her, every day is Valentine’s Day in our house, so get me in whenever you can. I’ll take candy hearts for the OR staff and it’ll be a party! I have hotel reservations for both visits.
This will give me plenty of time to heal before our beach vacation in April and our trip to Colorado in May. And, it won’t interrupt our summer mowing/camping/fun! I am really looking forward to feeling better. I’m praying every day that the surgeon will find the offending gland and remove it and I am healed of this problem. I am SO looking forward to feeling better and getting my life back!!!
Three weeks from Monday, people! Three weeks from Monday!!!
“But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.”
Psalms 56:3 NLT
#PrimaryHyperparathyroidism, #Surgery, #Parathyroidectomy
Prayers, dear Sister!
Blessings on the surgery date. I had primary hyperparathyroidism surgery on February 8,2021. I would be interested in your continuing symptoms and what lead to you being considered for second surgery. I’ve looked through the archives but didn’t find this info. Sorry if I missed it. I’m in Colorado so love hearing your stories of family visits. Thanks for any help you can give me off line of course.
Yes, I had surgery about a month after you. They could only find two of the four glands. My PTH only went down to 41 in recovery and I felt great for two weeks. Then, the aches and pains, fatigue, memory fog all came back with a vengeance. My numbers went back up and stayed there so they’ve determined I’ve got another adenoma on the right side this time. Try doing a subject search for hyperparathyroidism and see what comes up. Not all of my titles are self-explanatory. I’d be happy to talk with you privately. Just send me a DM through my Marshmallow Ranch FB page. ?