The time keeps marching forward… further away from the actual loss. That doesn’t mean he’s gone from my memory or my heart.
For those of you who are grieving the loss of your special person, my heart is with you. Your grief is the worst in the world for the precise reason…it is YOURS. You watch the world around you in a dazed fog, trying to figure out which is worse…accepting their death or pretending they’re just away on a trip. You feel like half of you is missing. You can’t imagine living another day, let alone a week, a month, or years. I hear you. I didn’t either. You move from thing to thing, mindlessly. You don’t eat much, and when you do, it’s likely a bowl of cereal standing over the sink. You spend money you shouldn’t because you thing, “Why not? There’s no way I’m going to survive this so I might as well spend to soothe.” That’s not a viable coping strategy…trust me. You lose all the color from your world…there’s no music, or feelings, or hope, it seems. But, let me tell you…there is hope. I’m here as proof.
With less money, more wrinkles, and changes that can’t even be described. But one day, you’ll see colors. You’ll hear music. and the tears will gradually be replaced with a gentle smile from a memory of your loved one. There will still be waves from time to time, but they don’t drown you anymore.
Ever forward.