I’m heading out into the wild blue yonder to see my kin in WV. I’m going to fill my well at the source. I’m going to see great old friends and make some new ones. I’m going to sit in the shade underneath a tree and write for hours. I’m going to hug babies and octogenarians. I’m going on a picnic, a party, a concert and out for dinner. I’m unplugging. Three weeks with only intermittent cell service and internet access. My body, mind, and spirit are looking forward to slowing down to the pace called “country”. To sitting by the barn my great-grandpa built. To listening for that elusive whip-poor-will. To sweet tea and pepperoni rolls and Mr. Bee potato chips. To taking a moon bath at the rain barrel after dark. To lightning bugs and peepers. To the sound of a far distant dog’s bark echoing up the holler. To hay bales wrapped in white looking like huge marshmallows in fields so green it hurts your eyes. To ice cream by the Ohio River, watching the river traffic and the lights shimmer on the surface like glass. To fresh coffee and bacon and biscuits with jam. To summer corn and fried green tomatoes.
Today I am heading to West Virginia…the closest thing to Heaven here on earth. Yes….today I am going home.