When the truck was delivered yesterday, the driver really didn’t want to leave the trailer and come all the way back out on Monday to get it. He peeked in and asked how many feet I had reserved. When he saw it was only five linear feet and it was all boxes he asked if we couldn’t just go ahead and empty it. I got that “Let’s see what she’s made of” look and I jumped right in. I was lugging boxes up those stairs and going back for more. NOT the way I had that scenario played out in my mind, but here we were. I did call in reinforcements who showed up when we were down to the last ten boxes. (Definitely not their fault…they were originally scheduled for tomorrow.) When we were done, there were four men and me standing around admiring my new trailer and truck. I said something about being tough and the boss turned around and said “Little girl, you dragged that thing clear across the country! I’D say you’re pretty dang tough!” (me = big smile)
I’m so proud.
Today, I rest. <3