Uncharted Territory

I often awaken to his hand on my shoulder. I covet this moment.

There is nothing like a health scare to shake you up….wake you up. After losing Mr. Virgo the way I did, my fear level Friday night isn’t surprising. But, now we’re here…we’re home…we’re processing. We’re walking on eggshells a little bit…feeling our way out on the ice to make sure it’s solid beneath us.

I’m trying not to be hyper-vigilant. Mr. FixIt is trying not to worry me. We both slept the deep sleep of exhaustion and relief on Sunday night. We had a very laid back day yesterday. We didn’t even get out of our jammies. We ate and slept and watched movies. We smiled and kissed and hugged a lot…because we can.

We’ll keep a low profile for another day or so. But then, it’s back in the saddle…albeit at a bit more slower pace. Look…we both have health issues. We aren’t 37 anymore. Waking up to that…getting our heads out of the sand…is important. It reminds us to be present in each moment. We don’t have the time to waste anymore. 

Yes, we’re a little sad. And, we’re more than a little scared. But…we can’t walk on eggshells forever. We can’t stop living. We just have to be watchful and live our best lives. So, we made follow up appointments. And we looked at vacation rentals to extend our April beach trip by an extra week. Leaving him and going off on solo adventures might take me a while to get comfortable with. We’ll just have to see.

Like I said…it’s uncharted territory. Deeper conversations will come as to how we will navigate it. But for now, we are just resting easy and feeling ever so grateful that this wasn’t any worse. Mr. FixIt felt much better yesterday. Thank you all so much for your kind words of love and support and, of course, for your many heartfelt prayers. We appreciate them so much!


“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalms 118:24 ESV

6 thoughts on “Uncharted Territory

  1. So glad that Mr Fixit is feeling better. Prayers are continued for both of you.
    My husband was in the hospital for 5 weeks & in our 3rd week of rehab. I still am not comfortable leaving him. Each moment with him is precious.

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