Upping My List-Making Game

Have you ever texted a grocery list to your spouse? If yours is like mine, you can’t send multiple texts…say, if you forgot something in the original and have to send another. Because, you will only get what was in the last text. Previous texts are non-existent. There is only the “most recent text.” Therefore, there have been many times 4/5ths of my list wasn’t seen. Then, I came up with the answer.

Text him pictures of exactly what you want. Then, you won’t end up getting a package of beef-pork blend instead of the breakfast sausage you asked for. Voila! I’ve also learned, in follow up texts of things I remember after the initial text with photos, to start out with, “Can you also get…” then leave picture(s) of whatever else it is you need “in addition to.” This also makes it easier on my sweetheart because all he wants to do is please me, so he’s happy to see exactly what I need…brand and size. I also ask him to call me before he decides to pick up anything else. That’s so we don’t end up with five jars of salsa. (That’s what we’ve got…so far!)

At one point, Mr. FixIt was buying instant decaf Folgers in the little single serving sleeves. While that can be convenient while traveling, those little packets cost three times as much as the jar. Once I pointed out the price difference, he was happy to get the jarred variety.

For a long, long time I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what my spouse-du-jour wanted. They all seemed so mysterious and complex. It wasn’t till I hit my late 60’s that I figured it out…men are so easy! In their 20’s and 30’s, all they wanted was beer and to see something nekkid. In their 40’s and 50’s, they want peace and quiet and someone to scratch their back when it itches. And In their 70’s? Well, so far it’s pretty much…“You just cook whatever you want, honey. I’ve never turned down your cooking.” I gave myself ulcers all those years. This is by far my easiest and most peaceful marriage and I love me some Mr. FixIt!

Mr. FixIt was gone all of yesterday doing this and that. I worked up the sourdough for bread and put it in the fridge for a cold ferment overnight. This morning I’ll pop the two loaves in the oven. I might try to get a batch of Brown Butter Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins baked. I caught a video on YouTube about them and I have some extra blueberries in the fridge.

I have to say, making Sourdough Bread is SO much easier than those Sourdough English Muffins! Then again, I’ve made the bread recipe a lot more than the muffins so I have that down pat. I did find an intriguing English Muffin recipe with regular yeast that I might try. I’m not ready to give up on them…I just don’t want it to take two full days for eight muffins!

Thank you for sharing what you’re fixing in the kitchen these days. I’m always interested in learning new recipes and getting more ideas for variety. January through March can be SO boring. Any time I can stay stimulated and make the time pass more quickly, I’m a happier camper.

Speaking of camping, I’ve made reservations for my first solo camping trip in May. A bunch of us camping gals are going to gather for fun and fellowship and I can’t wait. We’ll just be home a couple of weeks from our trip to the beach. As soon as April hits, that camper and the woods start calling my name…and I must go! I haven’t heard an update on the camper’s progress in the last couple of weeks. I should call them soon to see how they’re doing. Last I heard, the materials were on the way and Grace was parked inside in a service bay, stripped down and waiting for her new “clothes.”

They’re still predicting snow at the end of the week. I hope it isn’t as bad as the last storm!


“And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭46‬-‭47‬ ‭ESV‬‬

bread, #sourdough, #faith, #husbands

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