I wish I could blame my reticence for bookkeeping on “grief brain” but truth be told, I’ve never been good at record keeping. I have all the modern conveniences at my disposal…laptop, smartphone, iPad, Quicken, Turbo Tax…but do you think I can balance my checkbook every month? Categorize every transaction for tax reports? Keep important papers gathered in one place and filed in some semblance of order? No. That’s someone else you’re thinking of. If I did that, what would I have to write about at this time of year, right?
I’ve been at the farm the last couple of weeks. Writing deadlines, copying blog posts over, sorting papers, and balancing my checkbook so I can do my taxes. Monday morning, I started on the computer. It’s a new laptop so I needed to download Quicken. I went into Quicken online and there was 2015’s version ready to download. I thought I’d bought a newer version, but figured I must be mistaken. Download 2015. It didn’t recognize my old data file. Hmmmm. Ok, download data from bank. It gave me three months. I needed all of 2017. Call the bank help line. They talked me through downloading manually. Everything was duplicated. I deleted and reinstalled the program three times. The three months was fine. But anything older was wacky.
Yesterday, I chatted online with Quicken’s service department. They discovered that indeed I had purchased 2017 last year. It just wasn’t showing up. He put it in my shopping cart for me and talked me through the install and now I have all of my bank transactions clear back to 2001! Wahoo! I categorized last year’s transactions so I could run a spending report for taxes. And I reconciled my account…to the penny. If I would just keep up with this on a monthly basis, I wouldn’t have to go through this year after year. Maybe next year I can do better…who knows? In the meantime, today I do my taxes. If you hear of an earthquake in WV today, please disregard. It’s just me. ❤
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV
I so understand this
We are so much one and the same. I blame it on being creative and not analytical
I’m doing the same thing today and if we are still married at the end of the day it will be a miracle. While I’ve been working in Alaska, Ray was supposed to save receipts, get everything gathered up, etc. And now I’m going to owe a boatload of WV state tax because Alaska doesn’t have state tax and unless I can figure out how to claim residency in Alaska while he claims residency here, I’ll be sobbing by noon. I wish I were clever enough to use use quicken. I struggle with technology so much. I’ve used turbotax the last few years and it’s not too difficult but those numbers are painful to watch adding up?
I know a couple where the husband lives in WV and the wife spends the majority of the year in Florida. He has residency in WV and she in FL so I know it can be done. I hope things are better for you tonight! I got mine done this evening and it all worked out, thank goodness! Hope to see you soon! ❤️
I must be in agreement withPatty Douty!
I don’t balance my checkbook. I keep enough money in to cover the ” just in cases” of life!
It has worked for me for sixty years !
I’m 70 years of wisdom and I think I shall enjoy the rest of my long life without balancing the books!
I do indeed give you a lot of credit for being so computer savvy!
I enjoy your writing so much….thank you for the inspiration I glean from you daily! Gini from Georgia , sincerely
This sounds like me! I’ve got all the same things….have not used my laptop in probably 5 years. I have an email on my iPad that came from the state of MS for election purposes that I have to answer questions etc before the next elections. I can not open this 3 hour “test” on my iPad so I’ve been trying for 2 days to get email back on my laptop with no luck! There is no such thing as calling Yahoo for help! I’m beyond disgusted. I’m too old for such aggravation?
? I feel your pain. Go to the library and use their computer for the test. ❤️
You go girl! You can do it!!