I’ve been talking about this book for what seems like for-EV-er! A friend sent me a meme the other day about the different stages of writing a book. It starts with grabbing a cup of coffee and a Superwoman cape all the way down to “Holy crap! This is such a bunch of hoo-haw! No one in their right mind is going to want to read this stuff!” Then you eat your way into an ice cream coma. Well, pass the Haagen Daz, kids…I’m at that point. I know it’s only because I’ve read this stuff like…a GAZILLION times that I think it isn’t any good. Then I stumbled upon a flash of total brilliance, if I do say so myself.
Instead of going to my usual coffee shop and writing my requisite hours yesterday, I went to the library. I found a table and before doing anything else, I sat there and let my eyes wander around the room. And there it was…to my right. That beacon that calls the reader to MY SECTION….the sign for “New Non-Fiction” was right beside my table! It was a sign!
I set out the accouterments of my trade…laptop, iPad and iPhone for handy reference, and the original manuscript and set to work. Ok…I sat there and looked at it. And looked. And looked. And looked some more.
“Write!” I commanded myself.
“Shut up…I’m thinking!” My SELF said back.
I sat back and shut my eyes and asked myself…
“What are you feeling?”
“I feel like a fraud! Look…I’m surrounded by BOOKS! Real life, page-turning books! All I have is this stack of papers and a promise. I’m just a writer.”
“And what do you WANT to feel?”
“I want to feel like an AUTHOR!”
And…BAM! Seriously….just like that, I stepped aside and looked at this woman with a huge body of work that she has poured her heart and soul into and saw…an author! I felt it in my bones. It was like a surge of electricity went right through me and in the next two hours, I got more done than I have in the last year!
The power of the mind is an incredible tool we rarely tap into with purpose. Yesterday, I hit the mother lode.
Stay tuned! And don’t forget to go to iTunes and subscribe to Girl Camper podcasts. I am featured in Episode 5: Life’s Left Turns – When things just don’t go according to plans. Janine Pettit has asked me to be the Girl Camper Correspondent and call in with updates as I travel so there will be more of these.
You can subscribe and download this and other podcasts HERE.
“While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill— while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding.”
Daniel 9:20-22 NIV